4 March 2019

Nominatie Infopunt Publieke Ruimte

The winner of the 2019 Public Space Award has been announced!

During the Public Space Conference and Forum held on 12 March in Ghent, Mayor Van Quickenborne and Managing Director Chris Danckaerts of De Vlaamse Waterweg were presented with the award for the redevelopment of the Oude Leieboorden (Old Leie Banks) in Kortrijk. We would like to congratulate them on the realisation of this outstanding project!

During the presentation ceremony, chairman of the jury Jan Vilain (Infopunt Publieke Ruimte) stressed that all the nominees were actually also winners.

These nominated projects included the redevelopment of the station area in Liedekerke, a project in which BESIX Infra, together with its subsidiary Belasco, was closely involved in a joint venture with Jan de Nul. The jury’s opinion: “Ambitious design choices have made a spectacular difference to the site following its redevelopment. While many redevelopment projects take water into account, this project is an exceptional example of climate-focused design, thanks to the strong interplay between ecological and spatial objectives and mobility solutions. The surprising dialogue between landscape and infrastructure enhances the experiential value of the area.”

An excellent collaboration and a magnificent result!