23 February 2023

Wastewater treatment plant: new contract for BESIX Environment and Socogetra

Socogetra, in collaboration with BESIX Environment, has signed a new contract for the renovation and optimisation of the Soudromont wastewater treatment plant in Seneffe, Belgium. This major contract worth 6.5 million euros was awarded by intermunicipal association I.D.E.A., and covers the phase 1, i.e. the HV installations and intake works.

The project aims to modernise the wastewater treatment plant, which treats the wastewater of 65,000 people, and to improve its efficiency. The work will be carried out in phases, allowing the plant, which has been in existence for almost 40 years, to continue to operate during the work.

The project to renovate the plant includes civil engineering, construction, electrical and electromechanical works for the High and Medium Voltage (HV/MV) substation, a new electrical substation, as well as the replacement of pumping, screening and grit removal equipment.

The duration of the works will be 4 months for detailed design, followed by 280 working days of execution and 20 days of performance testing by the client.

Socogetra will be in charge of the civil engineering works, and BESIX Environment will take care of the electrical and electromechanical works: a strong combination of skills within the BESIX Group.